Daily Practice

Nondual Meditation: The Role of Nonduality in Meditation

Nondual Meditation: Recognizing the Oneness Beneath Duality Deepens Meditation Meditation provides a pathway to directly realize nonduality – the fundamental ...
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Why Spiritual Practices? The Journey of Waking Up

The Deeper Purpose Behind Spiritual Practices Spiritual practices like meditation or prayer are often undertaken to reach goals like peace ...
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Spiritual Practice – Every Moment We’re Practicing Something

The Ongoing Journey of Presence: a Spiritual Practice Spiritual practice is often seen as designated activities like meditation, prayer, or ...
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The Beauty of Boundaries: Limitless Limits

Navigating Paradox on the Path The awakening journey reveals a beautiful paradox – simultaneously limited and limitless. While our true ...
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The Mind of Mindfulness

Settling the Chatter Within Are you drowning in the relentless chatter of your own thoughts? Welcome to the mind of ...
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Finding Stillness Through Meditation

Enter the Sacred Inner Sanctuary That Waits Within Life can often feel busy, chaotic, and demanding. Taking time for stillness ...
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